Prices & booking information

holiday in zilleral . simply perfect

Booking: Bookings are legally binding, as soon as a confirmation (by e-mail, fax oder regular mail) from Ferienhof Nogler has been sent.  Once a booking has been made and confirmed a 10% down payment of the entire sum is required and should be transferred into our bank account.

Cancellation policyA free cancellation of your booked trip is possible until 14 days before arrival. Up to 1 week before arrival the cancellation fee is 50%, within the last week 90%.

In case you suffer from corona, are tested positive, have to be quarantined because of a sick relative, we recommend Hotelstorno Plus or Premium of the Europäische Reiseversicherung.

Arrival and departure: Your apartment will be available at 15.00h/3 p.m.  on te day of arrival. You are kindly requested to leave the apartment before 10.00h/10 a.m. on the day of departure, Should you arrive after 18.00h/6 p.m: notify us, please. 

Please note:
Please note, that our holiday apartments are non-smoking apartments.

Cash payments are welcome, on arrival and departure.

Bank account details:
Raiffeisenbank Zell am Ziller IBAN: AT22 3622 9000 0032 7742 BIC: RZTIAT22360

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