Prices & booking information
holiday in zilleral . simply perfectBooking: Bookings are legally binding, as soon as a confirmation (by e-mail, fax oder regular mail) from Ferienhof Nogler has been sent. Once a booking has been made and confirmed a 10% down payment of the entire sum is required and should be transferred into our bank account.
Cancellation policy: A free cancellation of your booked trip is possible until 14 days before arrival. Up to 1 week before arrival the cancellation fee is 50%, within the last week 90%.
In case you suffer from corona, are tested positive, have to be quarantined because of a sick relative, we recommend Hotelstorno Plus or Premium of the Europäische Reiseversicherung.
Arrival and departure: Your apartment will be available at 15.00h/3 p.m. on te day of arrival. You are kindly requested to leave the apartment before 10.00h/10 a.m. on the day of departure, Should you arrive after 18.00h/6 p.m: notify us, please.
Please note:
Please note, that our holiday apartments are non-smoking apartments.
Cash payments are welcome, on arrival and departure.
Bank account details:
Raiffeisenbank Zell am Ziller IBAN: AT22 3622 9000 0032 7742 BIC: RZTIAT22360